Here are the ways you can support us and our mission:

Mona Pants

Angel, Inspiration,

Debbi Heger, Founder

a.k.a. Momma

Keli Hogan, Program Coordinator

a.k.a. Second Cousin Keli

Peyton Green,

a.k.a. Peyton Pants

Welcome to

The Mona Pants Foundation

We are a 501c3 Non Profit that operates in Zebulon, North Carolina.

What we do:

*We raise funds for pet rescue groups, animal sanctuaries,

and shelters nationwide

*We provide protective vests and gear to active duty K9 Officers

*We equip First Responders with Pet Oxygen Mask Kits

*We rescue dogs locally, provide medical care and rehab,

and find them forever homes

*We supply pet food for families in need locally and parts of Wake County

*We support local feral cat rescues with food and medical assistance

Kathy Williams, K9 Vest Coordinator

a.k.a. Aunt Kathy

We put the FUN in fundraising and provide many ways to support our programs!